Reference Projects
- Supply of heavy duty conveyor belt for FQM Cobre Panama project (2017)
- Agudio, The Flying Belt, Brazil (2017)
- ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, Oyu Tolgoy, Mongolia (2017)
- ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Las Bambas, Peru (2016)
- ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Antucoya, Chile (2016)
- RWE Power, main supply contract (2015), 60% supply share, Germany
- ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, Chinalco/Peru, Supplied from China (2014)
- Tenova TAKRAF, Pascua Lama (2011)
- Skyline Mine Steel Cord Pipe Conveyor replacement project (2006)
- Dalrymple Bay Port Expansion Project (2006), Australia
- ThyssenKrupp Robins, Cadman Curved Conveyor (2005), USA
- Port Waratah Expansion project (2005), Australia
- KPC OLC replacement project and capacity enlargement in Indonesia (2002 and 2004)
- Los Pelambres, since 1997, splice design, replacement belting
- Henderson 2000
Extract Presentation & Papers
- Haus der Technik e.V., Essen, Germany, Presentation: “Belt Conveyors for Long Distance Transport of Bulk Materials“ („Gurtförderer für den Langstreckentransport von Schüttgütern“)
- Bulk Material Handling Symposium, Perth, Australia, Presentation: “Optimizing Conveyor Belt Designs for Industrial and Mining Applications “
- Universität Hannover, Institut für Transport und Automatisierungstechnik Garbsen, Germany, Presentation: “Characteristics, Applications and Potentials of Technical Elastomers using the Example of Semperit AG “, („Eigenschaften, Einsatzgebiete und Möglichkeiten technischer Elastomere am Beispiel der Semperit AG“)
- Haus der Technik e.V., Essen, Germany, Presentation: “Integrated Approaches for the Optimization of Belt Conveyors“, ( „Ganzheitliche Betrachtung der Optimierungsmöglichkeiten bei Gurtförderern“)
- Haus der Technik e.V., Essen, Germany, Presentation: „Elastomers for Conveyor Belts, Characteristics, Selection and Trends with Examples from Practice“ („Elastomermaterialien für Fördergurte, Eigenschaften, Auswahl und Entwicklungstendenzen mit Beispielen aus der Betriebspraxis“)
- CHoPS-05, Sorrento, Italy, Presentation: “Energy Saving Conveyor Belting – Design Considerations, Applications, Experiences“
- SME Denver, USA, Presentation: “The Impact of the German Standard DIN 22 101 on Belt Conveyor Design“ph